Saturday, January 21, 2012

Having "Issues" Again

I am not ignoring comments--I just am unable to reply. I can post on other blogs, but I can't reply on my own! Had this issue before, but the "cure" didn't work this time.

new#3, thanks for your encouragement. Do you paint? I noted that you commented you could almost paint that sunset.

BC, extra pinkies, both hands. They tied them off like a belly-button when I was an infant. Those stubs sure are sensitive little suckers!

Hopefully I will get the kinks worked out. Thanks for reading!


  1. Yes I paint, or I should say try to paint. It's not my most expert form of expression, I used to be a writer, did public relations work and wrote articles for newspapers and the internet, but I find painting relaxing.

  2. My right thumb that is left was removed at a dentist I think. In those days they used dental xray for it I heard. It has an unbendable joint, curves very much to the left, has big bad scar along the left curved side. Doesn't work well as finger in opposition. Hurts like an SOB if knocked agst anything. As a little kid used the left hand but they put on a brace or something trying to get me to use the right. So now I write right handed, do most other with the left, partly because of the finger in opposition not being able to grasp. Odd. I feel badly for your stubbies. But oh so delighted to find another real poly.

  3. Can't publish as Border Collie for some reason, but who else would it be?

  4. ok looks like I'm back. Go figure.

  5. Me again. Told you I've been reading backwards here and there, no real system to it. Found one saying MIL sister died and she needed a dress. So you get dress, slip, jewelry, odd, a purse, odder, shoes, very odd, and nylons? On a corpse? Wouldn't you want her to be comfortable? Maybe she'd be happier in a nightie. My mom had one all put away for herself since she would never trust me with anything. Then finally I realized your MIL was wearing the stuff. hahahaha good I'm so glad, and I had such a laugh at myself.


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